Data Protection & Privacy

Data Protection

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is in force as of the 25th of May 2018, replacing the existing data protection framework under the EU Data Protection Directive. A General Practice is a trusted community governed by an ethic of privacy and confidentiality.  In order to provide for the care of the patient, we need to collect and keep information on the patient and their health in their personal medical records.

Our policies are consistent with the Medical Council guidelines and the privacy principles of the Data Protection Regulations. This practice has voluntarily adopted the requirements of 'Processing of Patient Personal Data: A Guideline for General Practitioners'. Please see below for a copy of our Practice Privacy Statement or access the guideline at

Practice Privacy Statement


All consultations are completely confidential, and will only be revealed to others with your consent. Your medical notes are also confidential and remain in the Student Health Department.  They do not form part of your academic file.