Opening Hours
Opening Hours - Monday - Friday
Mornings: 9.15am - 12.30pm Afternoons: 2.30pm - 4.30pm
The Student Health Unit currently operates on a ‘by prior appointment only’ basis. STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO ENTER THE STUDENT HEALTH UNIT FACILITY WITHOUT FIRST CONTACTING THE PRACTICE.
Please use our online appointment request form to arrange an appointment. If you are acutely ill, please contact the Student Health Unit as early as possible in the day by phone 091 492604. Appointments can be arranged online for all services we provide, see our services and fees here.
Out of Hours Urgent/Emergency medical issues ONLY (DO NOT USE these numbers for covid related queries unless your symptoms require hospital referral)
Monday-Thursday (After 5pm) contact emergency number: 0872623997Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holiday Monday (Daytime: 8am-5pm) Citydoc, Bon Secour Hospital 091 758008
Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays (Evening: 5pm-MIDNIGHT) Galway City GP Rota 0877744430