Foghlaim agus Forbairt

Fáilte chuig Láithreán Gréasáin na Foghlama agus na Forbartha

The aim of the Learning and Development unit is to support the University’s strategic plan by delivering training and talent development solutions to all employees and enable them to reach their full potential. The Learning and Development Team aims to provide a comprehensive and wide-ranging service to all employees which includes:  

  • Mentoring 
  • Workshops and Programmes 
  • Bitesize Learning Sessions 
  • Further Education Policy Scheme 
  • Centralised Inductions 
  • Training course admin, coordination and facilitation 

Upcoming training and development opportunities for the personal and professional development of all employees are available within these webpages. 

Staff are welcome to contact a member of the L&D unit to discuss their own training & development needs or those of their team.


Déan teagmháil linn

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